Danivé Mode

Research and development make each collection a unique and sophisticated Made in Italy product.

Education: Marangoni Institute, Milan, Italy;

Brand features: Hight, figure, frame are no longer limits, but opportunities; a starting point in the conception of our products. Anyone can identify itself with Danivé. It’s aim is transmitting the universal concept of femminility and elegance neverminding the looks and figure of who is wearing the piece. The logo is its perfect expression, mixing these concepts in a dynamic and joyful image. In the same way the name Danivé fuses in harmony the names of its creators, making the dream come true offering passion, enthusiasm and involvement to the brand;

Creates: collections built, transformed and developed through a careful evolutionary process where the three key aspects are fused together. The trait d’union for all phase is the designer, Valentina Cremona, whose constant supervision rappresents the crucial value added of these entirely made in Italy garments.Everything starts with the search of inspiration through the works of those artists in which Valentina sees style and elegance. Details, chromatic balance, harmony in the artworks, transcending from the initial meaning the artist attributed to them, identify the guide lines leading to the creation of the collection.

“10 Questions to know them”

Short interview to Valentina Cremona Danivé fashion designer!

To be or to have?
Absolutely to be.
What did you want like to do when you were 13?
The fashion designer!
From where you are the world seems to you like…
A far and luminous little point…lost among the stars.
What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up?
I’m late!!!!!!
The world is beautiful because is…
Coloured, fascinating and lively!
If you were a fabric which one would you be?
An hand-painted, embroidered with spangles and gathers, jersey.
What do you think money is for?
For scratching one’s material itches!
What do you like and what do you hate about fashion?
I like the idea of fashion, its sparks of glamour, the possibility of taking part of it and the creativity! I don’t like that there is little chance for young people and new ideas.
If I say Italy what do you think about?
Art, fashion and cheerfulness.
